Study Finds 1% Reduction in Body Weight Can Attenuate Brain Aging

Study Finds 1% Reduction in Body Weight Can Attenuate Brain Aging

TEHRAN (ANA)- Using brain imaging, scientists at the University of Leipzig discover reduced brain aging after just 18 months of healthy diet and exercise.
Iranian, Foreign Researchers Jointly Work on Quantum Music Project

Iranian, Foreign Researchers Jointly Work on Quantum Music Project

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers in cooperation with researchers and engineers from other countries are implementing the quantum music project hoping that they will link music and quantum physics to make the genre of quantum music available to the public by 2025.
New Zealand's Scientists Call for National Food Strategy to Promote Healthy Diet

New Zealand's Scientists Call for National Food Strategy to Promote Healthy Diet

TEHRAN (ANA)- New Zealand's scientists have called for releasing a national food strategy to promote a healthy, environment-friendly diet following the release of new international dietary guidelines by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Long-Term Exposure to Nitrate in Drinking Water May Be Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer

Long-Term Exposure to Nitrate in Drinking Water May Be Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer

TEHRAN (ANA)- The nitrate ingested over the course of a person's adult lifetime through the consumption of tap water and bottled water could be a risk factor for prostate cancer, particularly in the case of aggressive tumours and in younger men, scientists at Barcelona Institute for Global Health found.
Six Foods to Boost Cardiovascular Health

Six Foods to Boost Cardiovascular Health

TEHRAN (ANA)- A study led by McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences researchers at the Population Research Health Institute (PHRI) has found that not eating enough of six key foods in combination is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults.
More Active Older Adults Have Better Quality of Life

More Active Older Adults Have Better Quality of Life

TEHRAN (ANA)- A reduction in the amount of time spent physically active when adults are over sixty years old is linked to lower quality of life, a Cambridge study of almost 1,500 adults has shown.
Grocery Store Carts Set to Help Diagnose Common Heart Rhythm Disorder, Prevent Stroke

Grocery Store Carts Set to Help Diagnose Common Heart Rhythm Disorder, Prevent Stroke

TEHRAN (ANA)- Supermarket trolleys are helping to diagnose atrial fibrillation which can then be treated to prevent disabling or fatal strokes, scientists at John Moores University reported.
Talking to Strangers Helps with Learning

Talking to Strangers Helps with Learning

TEHRAN (ANA)- People routinely underestimate how much strangers may have to teach them, a new study by the University of Sussex found.
Study Exposes Misinformation on Product Labels of Sports Foods

Study Exposes Misinformation on Product Labels of Sports Foods

TEHRAN (ANA)- A recent study conducted by Australian researchers from Deakin University has revealed that many sports foods in Australia were mislabelled, claiming to be more nutritious than they actually are.
Is Keto Diet Latest Weapon against Cancer?

Is Keto Diet Latest Weapon against Cancer?

TEHRAN (ANA)- Keto diets shrink pancreatic and colorectal tumors by starving them of the glucose they need to survive but they also speed up development of a lethal wasting disease called cachexia, a new study by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory showed.